„Knowing what’s right dosen’t mean much unless you do what’s right“ – Theodore Roosevelt

von Sarah
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Hey sweeties!

Some of you may already have seen my Instastories about #civilcourage for those who didn’t I will shortly sum up the whole story that happened again.

Back this Sunday in Cape Town we (Roshanara, Andi, Tim and me) found a guy, well actually I wanted to take a picture of him, because he looked so similar to a friend of mine. After we had taken the picture we realised that he had a cut on his nose and some meters walking along to the next bar together we realised that we definitely couldn’t leave this dude alone anymore. He obviously had had a fight or had fallen on the floor and was quiet drunk as well. So we took him along to the next bar and made sure he would stay save! After some time he even wasn’t conscious anymore. Then the bartender and we decided to call the ambulance, because he wasn’t even able to talk anymore and even started to vomit. Meanwhile we tried to contact friends over his phone and after some time we were able to reach his stepfather, but we found out that the guy was alone in Cape Town. After nearly two hours, well yes it takes some time over there to get proper help, the ambulance arrived. After they arrived they checked him out and he started to feel better and then ran away. The morning after I received a message from his stepfather that luckily the boy got home safe. Some hours later we even received a message from the boy himself to thank us for our help.

So guys, if you are asking yourself know why is she telling us this story?!

I want you guys always to remember that #civilcourage is nothing you are able to decide for, it’s something you need to do! Imagine your kid would have been this boy and the strangers wouldn’t have helped him, just think about what could have happened. In this world we are responsible for each other, we are not allowed to look away, we need to help! No matter where someone comes from, how they look like and so on…. and if you don’t feel comfortable to do it on your own, ask someone else to assist you or at least call the emergency – especially when people for example are having a fight – it’s better to call the police then get involved too, but don’t just walk away. Not helping makes you guilty too! Always remember „Knowing what’s right dosen’t mean much unless you do what’s right“ – Theodore Roosevelt!!!!

And you know what – helping someone and knowing you were able to make someone’s life a bit better for that day – will brighten up yours too!

So all in all take care of each other, even of strangers, ‘cause u will never know when you will be in need and would be thankful for a strangers help too, so start with yourself and share some love <3

Hugs to all of you,

text you soon,

your’s Sarah(uvm) <3

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